Category Archives: Events
Vetanco sponsors the 2022 IPVS Congress
The 26th International Pig Veterinary Society Congress (IPVS) is considered the most important scientific event in the [...]
Vetanco at the 71st Western Poultry Disease Conference
The Director of Biological Research & Development at Vetanco USA was part of the Western Poultry [...]
Vetanco in the LPN Congress & EXPO 2021
The laboratory sponsors this international event that gathers together Latin American poultry industry main characters. [...]
BVDV Differential Diagnosis and Management Strategies
The Workshop “BVDV Differential Diagnosis and Management Strategies” took place as part of the first [...]
BV Science at the 4th Animal Gut Health & Nutrition Summit
BV Science will participate in the 4th Animal Gut Health & Nutrition Summit, to be held on [...]
Second day of the International Congress on BVDV
The second day of the First International Congress on Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV) was [...]
First International Congress on Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus
On Monday, July 12, and August 2, 2021, Bioinnovo organizes the First International Congress of [...]
Vetanco at the CRWAD Conference
Our specialists participated in the “Conference of Research Workers in Animal Diseases 2020” held virtually [...]
BV Science, Vetanco and Dr. Bata, present at the 2020 Animal Microbiome And Nutritional Health Congress
Sherry Layton, Vetanco’s Chief Scientific Officer, gave a presentation on Increasing Feed Efficiency with Probiotic, Probiotics [...]
Jeffrey W. Hall at the CRWAD 2019 in Chicago
On November 3, Jeffrey W. Hall presented our latest news on developments in mucosal immunity [...]