The future is bright and we look forward to shaping it together!
The American Feed Industry Association said it was pleased to learn the Pork Safety Committee [...]
19 May 2009 , Jamie Day, Editor The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)’s latest annual [...]
On 19 May 2009, the European Commission published a new regulation in the Official Journal, [...]
Vaccine for swine production Starting on May 2009, Vetanco distributes in Argentina Mypravac Suis: New [...]
The edition 2008 of the Ceva Transmune Tour was held in Cafayate, Province of Salta, Argentina on April 24th and [...]
First stop: Mendoza Due to the cooperation of our great friends Verónica, Darío and Adrián [...]
The increasingly crowded nature of our planet – on which man and animal live in [...]
Vetanco at the 2009 OIE meeting. As part as our international strategy we attended the [...]
Coordinated by Claudio Kracker, director of our Brazilian operation, was held in Itapema the closing meeting of an excellent year [...]
With a closing party attended by 120 guests from all Latin America, along with 60 [...]