Tag Archives: Bioinnovo SA
Vedevax Block Vaccine finalist for the Empretec Award
The world’s first targeted vaccine against the Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV), developed by Bioinnovo, [...]
A new achievement in the fight against COVID-19
A multidisciplinary team, where Bioinnovo SA participates, developed IgY avian antibodies that neutralize the COVID-19 [...]
Bovine Viral Diarrhea: the Argentinian vaccine will be sold in Peru
The Andean Country authorized the commercialization of Vedevax Block, the first recombinant vaccine for the control [...]
Argentine Company looks to license a vaccine developed by researchers of Universidad de Concepcion, Chile
Representatives of Vetanco met with university authorities to discuss a license contract for a recombinant [...]