Tag Archives: INTA

Argentine Company looks to license a vaccine developed by researchers of Universidad de Concepcion, Chile

Representatives of Vetanco met with university authorities to discuss a license contract for a recombinant [...]

INTA researchers won the International Inventors Award and the Silver Medal at the WIPO Exhibition in Geneva

The project, chosen as “The Best Patent in Latin America”, is registered in the National [...]

Bioinnovo was recognized again with the Innovar Award

The company received the Innovar Award for Innovative Product Design awarded by the National Ministry [...]

CiTA awards: Gold Medal for Bioinnovo

La Rural Fairgrounds, Buenos Aires, Argentina.  The International Center for Innovation in Agricultural Technology (CiTA) [...]


May Friday 26th, the date! Official ceremony and technical seminar on Bioinnovo IgY DNT, the first [...]

Bioinnovo calves. The first Bioinnovo export

Bioinnovo, the public-private joint venture between INTA-Vetanco, fulfilled its first official export on March 29th 2017.  [...]

“Vedevax” Project, another achievement for the Bioinnovo team

The national competition, IB50K, sponsored by Balseiro Institute was held on Friday, November 25, 2016 [...]

Vetanco awarded for support to scientific development

During the last XIII Congress of Porcine Production, held at the Gala Convention and Exhibition [...]

Presentation of a New Vaccine to Control Bovine Viral Diarrhea

At the World Buiatrics Congress 2014 in Cairns, Australia, Lic Andrea Pecora (Institute of Virology [...]

Vetanco inaugurates their Third Industrial Plant in Argentina

With the attendance of national, provincial and municipal authorities, the veterinary laboratory, Vetanco inaugurated its third production [...]