Category Archives: Events

Mycotoxins eBook Released in Latin America for 2024 

Vetanco, a leading company in animal health, introduced its ebook: Mycotoxins: Prevalence in Latin America [...]

Recognition of a History of Hard Work and Dedication to Science

NRCC (Canada), INTA, and Bioinnovo were awarded in the “Concurso Soluciones Innovadoras EMPRETEC BNA 2024”, [...]

Diagnosis, vaccination, and biosecurity to control BVDV

“We must take a three-pronged approach to address the problem: diagnosis, prevention through vaccination and [...]

Vetanco at the Global Conference on Vaccines Research and Development

The laboratory was part of the “Global Conference on Vaccines Research and Development”, which was [...]

Vetanco at the Global Conference on Vaccines Research & Development

The laboratory will attend the Global Conference on Vaccines Research and Development taking place in [...]

Presentation of the First Salmonella Management Software

Vetanco presented Guardian Software, the first Salmonella management software, at the Latin American Scientific Conference [...]

Vetanco’s presence at the Latin American Scientific Conference

Through technical lectures given by its representatives, Vetanco will participate in 2022 PSA Latin American Scientific [...]

Vetanco at the Vaccine Technology Summit 2022 in London

The laboratory will be present at the Vaccine Technology Summit 2022 Exhibition & Conference, to [...]

BVDV, immunosuppression, and its impact on cattle herds

Knowledge about the impact of this virus on production and control measures to mitigate its [...]

Second International Congress on Bovine Viral Diarrhea

In August, Bioinnovo will host the Second International Congress on Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV), [...]